Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Peter deSeve step-by-step tutorial

Peter deSeve, famous for his New Yorker covers
did a tutorial that was in this magazine years ago and I finally found a link to it on-line.
I was kicking myself for not getting the magazine when it came out.
The magazine is apparently no longer published. 
His work is just fabulous... loose fluid fun stuff.
The tutorial a pdf actual page size is here...
Peter also has developed the characters for some movies including Ice Age.
He has a book out that I just ordered... "A Sketchy Past" that I've seen rave reviews on.


  1. Thanks very much for the pdf!!!!
    Good blog though

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information!!!

  3. Fantastic, been looking for this for years! Thanks

  4. Thank you, I was also searching for this!


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